elenitahb: emergencyjimmychoos: (via ratherconfusing)
#let me write a fucking novel about all the feelings this episode gave me about sophie and tara #tara called her ‘soph’ #for one thing #they bicker all the time about their differing grifting techniques but then they always come to the same conclusion #and then they make fun of each other and are all challengy and competitive #but then tara just reaches over and sweeps something out of sophie’s hair fondly #because that’s just how they roll #and they played it so subtle and perfect and you can tell they’ve been friends for forever #like we know tara and we know sophie and we know they know each other #but we never knew how they interacted #and now we kind of do but we have only seen a glimpse #oh god it’s perfect #and sophie is in white and tara is in black #and they throw the bomb out the window because they are grifters #and they don’t know how to deal with that bomb shit #and then they have a drink #somebody stop me #leverage #things that are totally canon: sophie and tara have had phone sex #and also a lot of real sex
#oh god all of this #of all the ways they could have chosen to play this dynamic this was THE BEST #CAN WE JUST ADMIT THIS SHOW HAS THE BEST CANON ON TELEVISION #this is the most beautiful lady combo I’ve seen and I didn’t even have to imagine it #BEST CANON #leverage #this show is a magical unicorn born in a land of rainbows #I want to kiss this show on the mouth #I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING SO MUCH #soul stealers
In love.
arobynsung: rienne: elenitahb: emergencyjimmychoos: (via...