OK so now I’ve finished this series, I want to say that I was really impressed, by the end of the series, by the animation! It’s nowhere near perfect- environments remain suspiciously empty at times, textures remain frequently scarce, and it’s obviously limited by its budget. But the character animation really stands out to me, and I think it’s because on the few shows done in 3D animation I’ve seen before, the facial expressions have been really limited, and nobody ever has anything beyond MASSIVE EMOTICON STYLE EMOTIONS!!! Like, no, chill out, cartoon people’s faces.
And the design, too! TF:P’s robot designs seem to be a case of love it or hate it in fandom? I’m on the ‘love’ side. They feel like what I want Bayformers to be? They’re all… bitty and robotic without sort of getting lost a little in detail. (I do like the movie style, but it can get exhausting to look at.) And I also think that the 3D animation fits robotic characters very well.
And all of this is attached to a picspam of this scene because… it had… good character animation? And I wanted to cap it. Shut up. (No, but actually, they got a lot across in Certain Scenes w/ Optimus’ face in the finale, it was impressive!)
SO… YEAH. ‘James really loves animation and robots dot tumblr dot com’, that’s me.
AND THAT TWIST IMPRESSED ME. I can’t wait to see what happens next!!! Have you seen the short preview of season 2?