And it’d be more like, field trip gone awry, she ends up stranded in Starscream’s cave, and meets baby Octane—like, literally baby Octane, not long after he gets that toy in the first fic and he’s still just babbling and crawling around, wings unready for flight.
Like this size? At babby babby size, he’s probably as tall as a human, based on the best I can figure out of transformer/human proportions. *deep breath* Using the proportions of an f-16, Starscream would stand 49 feet tall from head to foot. 8 heads tall proportionally, his head is 2 metres tall. Babby babby Octane would be 2 metres tall, child octane who stands half Starscream’s height would be 8 metres tall. However, Transformers doesn’t exactly live in a world where proportions matter, and based on the scenes in Rock Bottom and Speed Metal, Starscream and Knockout don’t seem proportional to their alt-modes. Starscream seems to be about Bulkgead’s height, thus proportional to a minivan, not a jet. Maybe he turns into a tiny jet. We haven’t seen him in vehicle mode next to a real jet or a car. (conversely, Knockout is pretty big for a sports car) Normally, none of this would bother me because transformers could fluff up or push together their metal plates, but Starscream has wings, which don’t transform, and can thus be used to measure and augh. TRANSFORMERS PROPORTION WILL NEVER MAKE SENSE.
I had to leave that above the cut. Now shh, fannishcodex and I are talking plot now.
Oh, so that’s how you intended the sizes to work?
So hard to figure out. I was just struck by more visual/emotional ideas. I thought it would be neat if Octane’s toy was the size of an average human, so when meeting Sierra’s Friend, he’d try treating her like a toy at first. But it sounds interesting too, if she meets a robot as large as her, but acting like a baby. And yeah, I was thinking of that pic, and the one where it’s nap time with the whole family, and also this one at
Though a sad thing with Uncle Orion fic that occurred to me: if Bumblebee ever sees Orion and Octane interact, he’s gonna be crushed. Replaced by the new BB ;_; (Though I think under nicer circumstances Octane would think Bumblebee quite cool, as not one of the grown-ups but the older kid and closer to being a peer.)
Powers with limits sounds great.
Puns aside, Knock Out delivering the final blow to Unicron this time would be awesome. And then Breakdown says the pun. You know that’s Breakdown’s favorite pun, he can’t help himself, and Knock Out’s just long suffering about that one (“haven’t heard that one before”, “hey, c’mon, it’s my favorite <3”). I dunno, I think by that hypothetical point of Unicron’s return, besides Starscream being scary about it, they’re pretty much behind getting Octane back to normal and not considering taking him out for good. Again, it’s like it Takes a Village to Raise a Kid/Free him from an Evil Chaos God’s control.
Dang, I’m not getting the “Gurren Lagann and spiral king’s daughter, messenger of the anti-spiral” reference and everything, but it sounds cool. But I really do desire context behind that strange theme-crossover, ‘cause I feel like I’m missing something that would make it all sound even more awesome. Oh man, partial/full avatar of Unicron? In my head, Octane’s on the way to also being the Woobie in my head. And your thing about him being upset and then radiating increased levels of Dark Energon levels that make the others around him sick? Instantly go to the place of him working to be a Stepford Smiler and trying to be happy 24/7 to avoid that consequence of his ill feeling…maybe even misguidedly running away at one point, not unlike Starscream before….
When I was thinking about trying to do a serious version of sparkling/Transformers having kids fic and figuring out your comic, I kept coming back to really getting that technical and in-depth, even though I didn’t really want to per se, because…still kinda squick. Even when I seized on the thought of it visually/technically being more spark-focused, like Octane splits from Starscream’s spark, through TF physiology their metal is living in a way, and splits with the new spark as well, but…still kinda squicked by it. And now I’m not sure if I really want to right it in-depth narratively. Do I even need to? Others, Cybertronian and human alike, may wonder, but I don’t think they’d want the details of that…nature. There could be implications and such, but leave it at that. And now I’m a bit squicked out that there’s apparently a lot of other TF birthing scenes in fic? But…now I kinda wonder if you could write a TF birthing scene well….
LOVED YOUR ILLUSTRATION FOR UNCLE/GODFATHER ORION. Orion and KO and BD shall by the triad of awesome uncles. Though not to leave Soundwave out, but…well, by virtue of excluding him from ideas of the others, I don’t see Soundwave ever being the ‘fun’ uncle to Octane. But I see him as growing to strongly care for Octane in his own way. He’s sorta predisposed to such, as loyalty to Megatron would be tied up to that; Octane is biologically his master’s heir, and his master has decided to treat him as such. (And I like to think it kinda touches on whatever small affection/familiarity/camaraderie Soundwave has for Starscream.) And then there’s Octane’s own nature that seems to charm everyone, and he is the BB. I was thinking that Megatron and Starscream argue over Octane’s combat training, and finally agree on letting Soundwave introduce him to combat. Yes, I want teacher!Soundwave too.
I don’t think anyone will give me that KO/BD ‘serious talk fic about having future sparklings together as sparkbonded mates and a mature couple’, so I’ll have to do it myself at some point. But I do want to approach it every carefully, or try to. I’ll have to let you know when it’s done. :)
It’s too good a line/observation for KO to pass up. XD
Oh, good point. Maybe a vacation gone awry? Or maybe they’re still in Nevada. If not Nevada, where else do you think their cave is?