Avatar:The Last Airbender 30 day challenge
Day 1: favorite episode
Probably The Boiling Rock.
I know it was a two parter, but I’m counting them together. For stuff like the finale, I would count that as separate episodes because they had subheadings and defined differences in goals for each episode, but this one was pretty much the same episode divided in two.
Odd, because it was missing a chunk of the characters I liked, but it was awesome and I could watch it over and over. IT was so intense and so cool, but it had so much humor. I liked the bonding moments with Zuko and Sokka, with Sokka and his dad, with Zuko and Mai, and Sokka and Suki. It had some more revealing moments too, with Zuko and with Mai, Ty Lee and Azula. It was the start of Azula’s breakdown and I like the look on Mai’s face after Ty Lee takes her down, like, “What, Ty Lee just did that? What?”.
There’s some hilarious parts, like “My first girlfriend turned into the moon”, and it was kind of nice to see Zuko opening up to Sokka about Mai. IT’s the first time he really opens up to anyone besides Mai about his feelings like that. His other emotions, like pride and regret, he’d shown to the team before, but this was something more casual. It was sort of humanizing and for a sec, just seeing a guy talking to his friend about his girlfriend. There’s hardly any moments in the series where Zuko actually seems like a teenager.
Sokka’s relationship with his dad is awesome to see too. I mean, Katara always angsts about her mom, but we forget Sokka is just a teenager who loves his dad and needs him in his life. We actually get to see them acting like a father and son. And don’t get me wrong, I like the characters a lot, but it’s nice to see some angsting or serious discussion without Aang or Katara for once.
My only problem with the episode: Not. Enough. Toph.
Even then, the rest of it’s awesomeness makes up for it. Plot-wise, other episodes had some kind of predictable stuff, but this episode actually had some twists I didn’t see coming.
This was just a really cool episode.
nerdfighter13812: Avatar:The Last Airbender 30 day...