Title: Megatronus Prime
Fandom: Transformers: Prime, alternate universe
Rating: TV Y-7
Summary: Megatronus has become Prime, but he still longs for war. Starscream the rebel is captured, but is offered a deal for freedom.
Notes: I can do the fanfic thing too! This fic is an alternate universe based on character analyses here on tumblr, and I indulge in worldbuilding. Includes quite a few flashbacks. I guess this thing has chapters now, so here’s chapter one. And now for chapter 2.
OMG. Finally read this.
…And I think I’m most intrigued by the versions of AU Knock Out and Breakdown and June Darby apparently working together and the only ones in the know about Unicron being Earth? And did Megatronus Prime just kill AU Raf? DAMN. Ohman, that flashback, I’m so curious about what AU Starscream and his crew were up to. And that was Acidstorm, Sunstorm, Skywarp and Thundercracker, right? All a good showing from them too.