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Thank you my darlings for your patience. And special thanks to Nellasaur for letting me make use of her canon from her fic Mercenary Medicine.
That was tearjerky and heartwarming at the same time.
…Wait, is Knock Out a Seeker in “Mercenary Medicine” too? Or was that mixing obfuscobble’s headcanon with her fic? Either way, very cool. I love KO’s seeker design here, essentially just wings with the physical features I already love about him. And I find it interesting how BD points out KO’s small size, and in the context of grudging/fond/surprised respect/affection.
KO’s not a Seeker in my fic, just for the record. But he looks damn fetching with wings, doesn’t he?
Thanks for the clarification, I was wondering if I had completely missed the mention of wings. But yes, he looks amazing with wings here. And I do like obfuscobble’s interpretation of Starscream’s comment about flying with regards to Knock Out: if read correctly, it does seem like an indication that Knock Out was a flyer before choosing to be a grounder instead.