Title: Starscream’s Army; or, Scenes from Season 2 that I Know Will Never Actually Happen
Fandom: Transformers: Prime
Rating: PG-13 for some squabbling
Summary: Starscream couldn’t possibly need all that energon just for himself, could he?
Notes: I want Seekers in Prime. I want them BAD. I want them so bad that SixthClone and I started spontaneously RPing them after the premiere on Saturday.And I liked what we RPed so much that I wrote about it.
I know there’s no way this is the way things are going to go next ep, but it would be pretty cool, wouldn’t it?
When none of them objected, he gave a satisfied nod and returned to Skywarp, stacking the one he was holding on top of the other still in Skywarp’s arms. Then he took him by a shoulder pauldron and turned him roughly, pointing him in the direction of one of the irregularities in the rock that formed a niche in the cavern wall.
“Go put those away,” he commanded, giving Skywarp a shove.
“Don’t gotta be rude about it,” Skywarp muttered, but he obeyed anyway, carefully setting the cubes down on the far side of a fold in the rock. He remained crouched beside them for a moment, sorely tempted. The emptiness of his tanks pinched like pain. Surely it wouldn’t hurt if he just cracked off a little sliver…
“Skywarp!” That was Starscream, sharp and impatient.
“Skywarp, if you’re thinking about doing something stupid, stop it!” And that was Thundercracker, not sounding quite as aggressive, but still clearly unhappy. Dropping his hands away from the cubes with a sigh, Skywarp straightened up and trudged back to the others.
OMG, this was wonderful. <3
I love all their interactions.~