So. Gang. You might have heard I am finally getting out of dodge - read: home, and moving in with an awesome roomate so I can get back to having a life for myself all over again, saving money,
doing more consand all of that forward motion stuff. These are awesome things; things that I really need for my sanity, and as upsetting as leaving my mother to fend for herself is, I have to make the move. (If you have no clue what’s going on and are curious, you can get some details under my life tagged posts)Of course, things aren’t ever easy and my mother’s promise of returning several hundred dollars she ‘borrowed’ from me in January, plus the idea that I was going to get some money for my birthday… well both of those have disappeared like the morning dew. While I can refuse her any more money, that still makes moving funds tight- and I am worried things are are going to be too tight to manage.
And while I wish I had any sort of drawing skill to offer commissions that way, I am made of less artistic skill than most 10 year olds and that’s not an avenue I can pursue.
So I am asking for help, and offering stuff - like hats and photos - in exchange for that help!
Please please please if you have a little money to spare and want something neat, look at what my girlfriend has to offer? She needs the overhead badly and she makes REALLY wonderful hats.
Trying to reach Escape Velocity: Help Amanda's move!