spoonster asked you:korra korra korra korra korra korra korraMy jumping-the-gun favorite:
Amon is super hot. Something about a mysterious masked man…. (Is it worrying that I know his mask design by heart already?)
My favorite character that we actually know anything significant about:
I don’t think there’s a single person on earth who hates Tenzin, and if someone does, I never want to meet them.
I apparently have a thing for older guys in the Avatarverse! Or so I’m assuming, we don’t really know Amon’s age (if he’s a teenager I’m gonna laugh so hard)
I really doubt Amon’s a teenager, but I don’t peg him as old per se either…I’m thinking more mid-20s. Maybe early 20s, late 20s, early 30s (maybe even just say he’s the age of his voice actor, Steve Blum).
Also, nice AtLOK fanart!