quiixoticneurotic replied to your post: TFP!Starscream (I’m so obvious, huh?) Besides him, TFP!Knockout, TFP!Breakdown, June Darby“Breakdown is Jayne” ARE YOU SAYING THIS WHILE KNOWING THAT ADAM BALDWIN VOICES BREAKDOWN OR WAS THIS A LUCKY COINCIDENCE.No, I knew. But you know it’s true all the same. Whenever I picture a human version, Jayne is all I can see.
(Able to reblog this when I searched for the tag on tumblr.)
Now I can’t shake the image of the rest of the Decepticons being just as amused as the Serenity crew by their comrade’s song. XD
But yeah, Jayne’s now Breakdown’s human version in my head. As is Zoe for Airachnid.