I have a con girl who is good at her job because she’s completely unremarkable. She’s one of the characters I was doing the challenge for.
I went back to do her portion, believing I’d forgotten.
I had already filled it out.
Well played, con girl.
Can I see your con girl character challenge portion?
D: Sorry, no. She’s not a Decepticon — she’s a convict, a character for a novel in the works. And I am very protective of my original-character babies.
#If she were a fan character I would be more than happy to show you
Oh man, now you’ve remind me of TFP fan characters I’ve been thinking about sharing. Would you like to hear sometime?
Would I! Definitely so~.
And the second is: I’ll say tomorrow. It’s unbelievable, I typed this huge thing…and I don’t know what I pressed, but it all left and I had nothing saved. ):