SO, I was looking at my AMAZING botcon G2 Botcon Breakdown toy and I was thinking about how utterly embarrassed Breakdown would be for KO to find out what his paint job had looked like in the 80’s!
;-; He’d never let him live it down. Would be a cute drabble. Maybe with KO admitting at the end his paint job was also a bit wild back then?
Ohman, that’d be great, I would read that.
(Seriously, in TFP, how long have the ‘Cons and ‘Bots been on Earth? Because it’s not clear to me.)
That’s one of my favorite things about Prime. Unlike all the other Transformer series that take place on Earth that start with how they all got there Prime hasn’t really given any indication yet how long they’ve been there (unless it was covered in the novels but things could definitely change between them and what shows up on Prime). It feels like they’ve been there a while. They’re fully intergrated into the government, there’s a real feeling of bleak boredom for Arcee and Cliffjumper in the first ep. It feels like it could have been a while…a decade or two even in my mind.
I just love that there’s so much we don’t know about the Prime-verse (how they got there, much about the war, how Raf can understand Bee) I love the ultra slow storytelling the series has. It really makes the characters feel real and gives you something to chew on and to mull over. <3
crazyoatmeal: fannishcodex: 6thclone: SO, I was looking at my...